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There is an incredible amount of great resources out there, and even more resources that are a waste of time (or worse).  The following is a ever evolving, though not necessarily growing, list of topics and resources we highly recommend.  Enjoy all there is to explore and discover!




It’s about so much more than just using words and talking to each other.

-  The Five Love Languages (Gary Chapman)

-  An online assessment to discover your “love” language

-  The Path Between Us:  An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships (Suzanne Stabile)




Sometimes, you just want to fight.  What do you do then?

-  Created for Connection (Dr. Sue Johnson and Kenny Sanderfer)

-  The Meaning of Marriage:  Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God (Tim Keller)



Family of Origin (FOO)

The families we came from have a huge impact on the new family we’re creating together.

-  Discover your attachment style (the way you behave in relationships with others, first developed in family of origin)

-  How We Love:  Discover Your Love Style, Enhance Your Marriage (Milan and Kay Yerkovich)




Just as vital as before we were in a relationship but looking different.  How do we cultivate close friendships outside of our couple relationship?

-  Life Together:  The Classic Exploration of Christian Community (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

-  Sacred Companions:  The Gift of Spiritual Friendship and Direction (David Benner)




How do we come back together when there’s hurt and pain?

-  The Five Languages of Apology:  How to Experience Healing in All Your Relationships (Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas)

-  The Return of the Prodigal Son:  A Story of Homecoming (Henri Nouwen)




Understanding the various facets of our own personalities can give us insight into how we come together.

  • The Gift of Being Yourself:  The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery; by David Benner

  • Learn about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Derek is a trained facilitator and can administer this assessment as well)

  • The Road Back to You:  An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery, by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile 

  • Take the Enneagram assessment



Spiritual Disciplines

Oftentimes, we want to connect with God in new ways but we don’t know what that actually looks like.  That’s where spiritual practices come in.

  • Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina, as taught by Contemplative Outreach

  • The Practice of the Presence of God (Brother Lawrence)

  • The Spirit of the Disciplines:  Understanding How God Changes Lives (Dallas Willard, 1999)

  • Celebration of Discipline:  The Path to Spiritual Growth (Richard Foster, 1998)



Rhythm and Rest

Developing a practice of Sabbath rest and rhythm is one of the most vital practices you can do together.

  • A six-week study on living a sabbath rhythm, by Theodyssey

  • The Way of the Heart:  Connecting with God Through Prayer, Wisdom and Silence (Henri Nouwen, 2003)



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